
Yu Sabu(Master Yu)offers an array of program options for every age and interest level! We have Little Tiny (toddler), Youth, and Adult Taekwondo classes and also offer Taekwondo for Children With Special Needs. We also have a Women’s Self-Defense Taekwondo class and Kickboxing for Women. Additionally, we welcome all students to join our Taekwondo Demo Team and to sign up for our Yoga class!

Little Tiny classes teach Taekwondo forms, techniques, and patterns broken up into shorter and much simpler sequences. The aim is not so much total accuracy, it is more about teaching small children basic coordination, motor skills, and body control. Little Tiny classes emphasize learning through fun and play, learning confidence and practicing respect. Little Tiny students earn white belts with stripes that show their progress towards more advanced levels.

Youth and Adult classes incorporate a variety of stretching, flexibility, and endurance exercises along with kicking and punching techniques and drills. Each belt level has its own combination of poomsae and hand and kicking techniques, which become more technical as the student progresses to higher belt levels. There are also varying self-defense patterns. Students also learn competitive-style sparring. Students wear protective gear and put the techniques they’ve been learning into real-time practice with a sparring partner.

Taekwondo for Children with Special Needs adapts the Taekwondo curriculum to uniquely support the specific capacities of students who may have autism or other spectrum disorders or developmental disabilities. This class allows students to gain more direct attention as they absorb the benefits of Taekwondo.

Women’s Self-Defense focuses on the same rigorous fitness, flexibility, and endurance as the other classes, but is geared towards empowering women specifically by focusing on teaching Taekwondo self-defense techniques.

The Yu Sabu Demo Team is perfect for students who are interested in the performance aspect of Taekwondo, which includes choreographed routines that incorporate synchronized movements and some acrobatics often put to music. The demo team will rehearse once a week and perform at various special events.

Yoga is taught by Master Han who, in addition to being a 3rd degree Dan in Taekwondo, is also a certified yoga and aerobics fitness instructor. The yoga classes combine instruction from several yoga traditions including vinyasa and hatha yoga. All experience levels are welcome.

Jumping trampoline 

  1. Fun Way of Losing Weight and Keeping Fit

    According to NASA’s Journal of Applied Physiology, rebounding exercise is 68% more efficient than jogging. A study from NASA also found that a 150 pound individual spending 1 hour on a rebounder, will burn more calories than the same person jogging for an hour. Rebounding on a trampoline is a metabolic supporting exercise – if you rebound at moderate pace, you can still breathe comfortably. It gets you moving without stressing your metabolism.

  2. Increases Detoxification and Cleansing of the Body

    Trampoline exercise helps to facilitate the body’s natural detoxification mechanism. Rebounding is a unique form of exercise in which a weightless state is achieved at the top of each jump and landing. This shift in gravity benefits every muscle and cell of the body and provides huge benefits to the lymphatic system.

  3. Improves Functioning of the Immune System

    The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system. It is a defense mechanism against viruses, bacteria, diseases and infection. The lymph contains a high number of a certain type of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are responsible for fighting infections in the body. Rebounding causes the valves in the lymphatic system to open and close simultaneously, increasing lymph flow as much as 15x. This boosts immunity, removes toxins, and help slow down the aging process.

  4. Helps to Reduce Cellulite 

    Rebounding on a trampoline is like pumping your body. Rebounding helps stimulate the thyroid gland start cleaning itself and the entire lymphatic system of stored fat. Trampoline exercise is the most proven way of eliminating cellulite.

  5. Increases Lymphatic Flow in the Body 

    The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs which help to get rid of body toxins, waste and other unwanted materials in the body. Unlike the cardiovascular system, in which the heart automatically pumps blood, the lymphatic system purely relies on our body movement as a pump. Lymphatic flow relies completely on our conscious movement. Rebounding on a trampoline is a whole body exercise, and it may cause the lymphatic valves to open and close simultaneously which will cause increase lymph flow as much as 15x.

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